Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet Outreach

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. [Psalm 119:105, 106]

Psalm 91:8

An interesting verse…
Can the Hebrew language give insight into the meaning?

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

Only/But [Hebrew term: raq]. This is an adverb describing the clause “with thine eyes.”

With thine eyes [Hebrew term: ʿayin]. The Hebrew rendition supports ‘AYIN being translated “in” and not “with.” This grammatical use is called an “instrumental preposition,” emphasizing an object in use — in this case, the eyes. But are EYES literal or figurative? Best guess is: literal, for two reasons: 1) comparing the Hebrew script differences between literal and figurative EYES and 2) it is not unheard of for the Righteous to actually view the punishment of the Wicked (e.g., Exodus 14:31). Psalm 37:34 says the Righteous will see the punishment but not experience it (i.e., the punishment) themselves.

Shalt thou behold [Hebrew term: nāḇaṭ]. The form of the verb BEHOLD emphasizes “to pay attention to” or “to consider,” and not merely seeing. The grammatical tense of NABAT suggests an action not yet complete or that is yet in the future. In other words, seeing the reward of the Wicked is yet to happen. Literally, the Hebrew text might say your eyes WILL CAUSE you to pay attention to….

See [Hebrew term: rā’â]. RA’A is visual, intentional SEE-ing: “to look, to perceive, to inspect” (as opposed to scanning). The RA’A verb tense follows the thought of NABAT of will cause; RA’A stresses the “future-ness” of the action (i.e., you will see).

Reward [Hebrew term: šillumâ]. The noun means “reward” or “retribution.” The root term stresses “to make whole” or “to make compensation.”

Wicked [Hebrew term: rāšāʿ]. RASA’ is “criminal” as in morally wrong. The word is an adjective describing a group of people. Its root word stresses the people being wicked.

The theme of Psalm 91 is security for those people who put their trust in YHWH. Humanity is to place its comfort in Him when experiencing times of trouble. Verse 8 speaks of how vindication of Right eventually comes, and the saints will see the triumph of Truth. The message isn’t about a desire for revenge, but rather it forecasts the ultimate triumph of YHWH’s justice and love.