Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet Outreach

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. [Psalm 119:105, 106]

Genesis 3:24

This verse tells of Mankind’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. While this specifically describes a completed account, its illustration of the decision to disobey — and YHWH’s follow-up — are most relevant to Humanity today…and for eternity.

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

So he drove out [Hebrew term: gāraš]. The term means “to drive out from possession.” The form of this verb expresses actions, events, or states which are to be regarded as the temporal or logical sequel of actions, events, or states mentioned immediately before. Verse 23 says YHWH “sent him [Adam] forth from the garden”; verse 24 emphasizes the sequence of being “driven out” from the garden.

Man [Hebrew term: ‘āḏām]. “The man.” The noun has as its root a verb meaning “to show blood [in the face].” The expression is indicative of having a “ruddy [or rosy] complexion.”

Placed [Hebrew term: šāḵan]. This word is a verb meaning “to lay, place, fix; to cause to dwell or abide.” The connotation stresses permanently residing or staying at a place. Denying Man access to the Tree of Life while Man remained in a sinful state, demonstrates a divine mercy that followers of YHWH will be grateful for in the world to come.

The East [Hebrew term: qeḏem]. QEDEM means “eastward; on the eastern side.” It derives from a verb root meaning “to come in front, to confront; to precede, to anticipate, to hasten.”

The Garden [Hebrew term: gan]. GAN is “a garden” (generally in terms of a fenced area). The root of GAN is the verb GANAN, meaning “to hedge about, to protect; to defend, to surround.”

Eden [Hebrew term: ʿēḏen]. It is perhaps no surprise that EDEN means “pleasure.” EDEN derives from ADAN, “to be soft or pleasant; figuratively and reflexively, to live voluptuously.”

Cherubims [Hebrew term: kᵊrûḇ]: Plural of “cherub.” The word is of uncertain derivation.

Flaming [Hebrew term: lāhaṭ]. LAHAT refers to “a blaze; flaming, enchantment.” LAHAT has as its root “to burn, to scorch, to blaze [or lick] up by fire.”

Sword [Hebrew term: ḥereḇ]. HEREB is a noun meaning “sword, knife, cutting instrument [with a destructive effect].” HEREB has as its root the verb HARAB, “to lay waste, to desolate.”

Turned every way [Hebrew term: hāp̄aḵ]. HAPAK means “to turn this way and that, turn every way.” The form of this verb is “intransitive reflexive,” meaning the sword’s turning is not being done to someone or something, but rather the action [of the sword] is being done to itself (i.e., turning itself every which way; the sword appears to whirl itself about).

Keep [Hebrew term: šāmar]. SAMAR is “to keep, watch, preserve.” The form of this verb is an “infinitive construct,” providing extra information regarding the purpose, result, or temporal frame of the action of the main verb. In this case, KEEP clarifies the purpose of the whirling sword.

Way [Hebrew term: dereḵ]. The term means “a way or path in which one goes” and derives from the root verb DARAK, “to tread, to walk, to march.”

Tree [Hebrew term: ʿēṣ]. ES refers to a tree, emphasising stability or firmness. The root term, ATSAH, is a verb meaning “to fasten, to make firm.”

Life [Hebrew term: ḥay]. HAY means “alive, raw, strong.” It derives from HAYAH, “to live, to revive, to make alive.”

In driving Man out from Eden, YHWH showed mercy in not having Humanity become immortal sinners by continuing to partake of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Although Adam may have not appreciated this decision of the Lord at the time, he — and all descendants! — will be grateful in the world to come. The language of this verse highlights YHWH’s care/guardianship [especially consider “garden,” “keep”] and best interests for His creation [especially consider “placed” and “Eden”]. Even with the act of being “banished” from Paradise because of Mankind’s sin, YHWH is faithful in His love!