Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet Outreach
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. [Psalm 119:105, 106]
What and Who is YHWH?
YHWH is not one among many gods…
Shiva. Zeus. Thor. Allah. You may have heard these names for deities belonging to other religions. What about the Judeo-Christian god? Does He have a personal name?
Yes! YHWH (in most Bibles, indicated by small-type capitalized LORD).
What’s in a name? Is “YHWH” important or valuable?
The significance of a name means more than “name” in the English language sense. It is not only a mark of individuality, but the Hebrew word [SHEM] signifies honor, authority, character and renown. Linguistically-speaking, the root HWH — meaning “to be” — acts as a noun. The letter Y indicates “he” when preceding the root. Hence, the name YHWH means He exists. This name is found more than 7,000 times in the Bible.
YHWH is the only name in all the Bible said to be sacred (e.g., Psalm 33:21; Psalm 103:1; Psalm 105:3; Psalm 106:47; Psalm 111:9; Psalm 145:21; Matthew 6:9; Luke 1:49; Luke 11:2). This name is so important that, for example, when YHWH swore an oath validating the covenants He made, He did so by His own name (e.g., Genesis 22:16; Isaiah 45:23; Jeremiah 22:5; Jeremiah 49:13; Jeremiah 51:14; Amos 6:8; Luke 1:73; Hebrews 6:13). There is no higher name through which YHWH Himself could make promises.
The Bible describes the worth of the name YHWH. It mentions how we should love it, trust in it, give glory to it, respect it, remember it, desire it and seek safety in it. The name is awesome in power and majesty; it will be used to crush His enemies.
The name YHWH is the Creator’s memorial to all mankind everywhere at every time in history (e.g., Exodus 3:13-15; Psalm 102:12; Psalm 135:13; John 8:58).
A sample of characteristics:
- He is love [1 John 4:8]
- He is forever [Psalm 90:2]
- He never changes [Malachi 3:6]
- He declares the end from the beginning [Isaiah 46:10]
- He is all powerful [Genesis 1:1 and Psalm 33:6, 9]
- He is the owner of all the world [Psalm 24:1]
- He keeps His promises [Deuteronomy 7:9]
- He respects all people equally [Acts 10:34, 35]
- He is perfect [Matthew 5:48]
- He is merciful and abounds with goodness [Exodus 34:6, 7]
- He is with us during Life’s hard times [Isaiah 41:10]
- He never leaves us [Hebrews 13:5]
- He loves us! [1 John 4:16 and John 3:16]
The Sacred Name YHWH: Introduction
Multiple Names of Salvation?
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Thus saith YHWH the maker thereof, YHWH that formed it, to establish it: YHWH is his name; Call unto me and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not… [Jeremiah 33:2, 3]