Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet Outreach

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments. [Psalm 119:105, 106]

Exodus 28:36

Exodus 28 details the consecration of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood, and the appointment of the garments used for service. Verse 36 describes how the head dress (likely a turban) should be “decorated.” Is there a message here for YHWH’s people today?

And thou shall make a plate [of] pure gold, and grave upon it, [like] the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO YHWH.

Make [Hebrew term: ʿāśâ]. While ASA in the broadest sense means “to do,” it also means “to appoint,” “to ordain” or “to institute.”

Plate [Hebrew term: ṣîṣ]. SIS is a noun meaning “a blossom,” “a flower.” The very core/root definition of SIS is a verb meaning “to shine,” “to gleam,” “to twinkle.”

Pure [Hebrew term: ṭâôr]. This word is an adjective meaning “clean”; TAOR derives from a primitive root verb meaning “to be bright,” “physically sound” or “innocent.”

Gold [Hebrew term: zāhāḇ]. While ZAHAB refers to the precious metal, its root term indicates the notion of “to shimmer.”

Grave [Hebrew term: pāṯaḥ]. The root of PATAH means [literally or figuratively] “to open wide” or “to open up.”

Engravings [Hebrew term: pitûaḥ]. PITUAH in this sentence is the “passive participle” of PATAH, a “cognate object” of the verb — meaning, PITUAH and PITAH are etymologically-related. The use here of “engravings” may be used to emphasize the idea of carving something).

Signet [Hebrew term: ḥôṯām]: HOTAM means “a seal,” or “a signature ring.” The very core/root definition of HOTAM is a verb meaning “to seal” or “to affix a seal.”

Holiness [Hebrew term: qōḏeš]. This word is a noun, meaning “apartness,” “separateness.” It derives from the verb meaning “to be pronounced clean, separate.”

YHWH (King James Bible translation reads: THE LORD) [Hebrew term: Yᵊhōvâ]. This is the personal name of the True Deity, meaning “the Self-Existing One.”

While this verse speaks to priestly consecration within the nation of Israel, it serves as a type of the High Priest now ministering in the heavenly sanctuary, on the behalf of Humanity. Likewise, the verse is a universal reminder to surrender — to set-aside — lives for YHWH. A person becomes YHWH’s when he says, “Take me and shape me, and fill me and cleanse me, and do with me what Thou wilt.” When individuals yield their wills in submission both to commandments and providences, both to gifts and to withdrawals, both to gains and to losses, both to joys and to sorrows….then they begin to have written on their foreheads, “Holiness to YHWH.”